Pan Player, Composer
1930 - 1985

[The following profile is a combined synthesis between the writings of Gideon Maxime and {Dr Felix Blake}]

   Orman 'Patsy' Haynes was one of the early members of Casablanca and was recognised as a talented player. {[His] 1948 rendition of The Bells of St Mary's [was still remembered by some even up to 1995].}(1) When the Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra (TASPO) went to England in 1951, Orman ...was assured of a place.

   Haynes took part in the first music Festival in 1952 finishing third with 167 points; behind Neville Jules [171] and Dudley Smith [173]. He also took part in the 1954 festival but was unplaced in the Finals.

   He travelled to the United States in 1958 and the double tenor pans became his passport to the hearts of the people.

   He performed at the Newport Jazz Festival and on the sound track [of the movie] ...Arthur; {and on the ...jazz album From Ragtime To No Time ...was featured artist alongside Bever Harris and Don Pullin.}(1)

   Jazz offered the perfect outlet for 'Patsy' who loved improvisation. He played frequently in night clubs, gave demonstrations at schools and was a frequent 'sideman' [on] many jazz albums.

   To give an idea of the man Patsy Haynes; on one occasion {in 1983}(1) although he was sick and confined to hospital bed; he sneaked out and performed at a Christmas Concert {at the Brooklyn Academy of Music}(1) with Casablanca, with his hospital ID band still dangling from his wrists. {[After which] ...Haynes sneaked back into hospital.}(1)

   When he died in the USA [on 29th October 1985], at age fifty-five, the {Unity Chapel}(1) in the Bronx was packed to capacity.

   {...The funeral service of the late Orman 'Patsy' Haynes was graced with the music of Harlem All Stars, the steelband with which he had been associated for more than 20 years. Many recall the playing of Vincent 'Taboo' Taylor who rendered a double tenor solo on that occasion.}(2)

   On his passing, his brother Ernest remarked that he was a simple man with simple dreams.

© 1997 Gideon Maxime: Pg 198; PAN THROUGH THE YEARS (1952 - 1996)
© 1995 Dr Felix Blake: (1) Pg 153/4; (2) Pg 97; THE TRINIDAD & TOBAGO STEEL PAN: History and Evolution
[Blake: Presented without permission; permission being sought.]

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Historic Update: 04 December 1999; Last Update: 18 July 2014 21:00:00 TT
Processed by: Jeremy G de Barry

Compiled & Processed by Islands Research for:
The Steelbands (Pan) of Trinidad & Tobago

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