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  14th October 2000
eEd - tobagojo@trinidad.net

  World Steelband Music Festival 2000

 Pan still struggles

© NEWSDAY - Saturday October 14th October, 2000 - Page 10
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
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News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

WHAT a pity that the World Steelband Music Festival now being held in Port of Spain should have to face such discordant Jamming. Financially, the event is still sorely in need and, as Newsday learned on Thursday, the finals will not be broadcast live by either of the local television houses. In our view, this is a sad reflection of the poor appreciation from which the steelband still suffers in certain sections of our community in spite of the remarkable musical success the native instrument has achieved at home and abroad.

The steelband is Trinidad and Tobago’s unique culture gift to the rest of the world. It was created and developed by the particular genius of our people in a particular social situation and at a particular time in our history. Under our direction, over some six memorable decades, the steelband has developed from a grassroots preoccupation into an orchestral combination of such quality and charm that it has taken enthusiastic root across the Caribbean and in several other countries of the world.

The steelpan, regarded as the only musical instrument invented in the 20th century, has been given pride of place as TT’s national instrument. This is quite fitting not only as a reminder that the steelpan had its origin and its nurturing here but also bemuse its music expresses so much of our people's gift of rhythm, their zest for life and their natural creativity.

The steelband, then, should hold a beloved and cherished place in the hearts of all Trinis. Yet, oddly enough, the movement has always had to struggle, if not for recognition and appreciation at home, at least for the wherewithal to achieve its full potential. The staging of the World Steelband Music Festival in Port of Spain and the problems that still attend it are only the latest example of the rocky road on which the movement still travels.

As the birthplace of the steelband, it is only natural that TT should host such a festival celebrating the international efflorescence of the native instrument. Pan Trinbago and the Government must be commended for their effort in presenting an event which keeps our musical colours flying. It is unfortunate, however, that even now the Festival finds itself badly under-funded, still needing about three million [TT] dollars to cover its cost after Government’s contribution of TT$2.5 million.
[US$1.00 = TT$6.24 approximately @ October 2000 - eEd]

Trinidad and Tobago is a country of great natural talent and great natural wealth. Could not the one assist the other in this important cultural enterprise? What is at stake here is not only the advancement of the steelband movement but also the reputation for hospitality of our country which must welcome and accommodate members of seven foreign steelbands coming from Europe, North America and the Caribbean.

Clearly, the Festival should be a periodic affair, but if it is to attract greater overseas participation in the future then these early efforts should have the fullest possible support from every sector of our society. It is not good enough for us simply to pay lip service to the steelband and its splendid achievements. Indeed, one test of our nationhood and sense of identity is the extent to which we support in a tangible way the national instrument, our unique musical gift to the world.

It is unfortunate also that successful arrangements could not be made to have the finals broadcast not only by local television stations but also by any of the cable networks. Isn’t this a world festival?

NEWSDAY - Published by Daily News Ltd.
Opinions expressed by columnists and commentators in this newspaper,
including letters to the editor, are the views of the writers,
and do not necessarily represent those of Newsday.
The editorial above is Newsday's opinion.

 Swiss band shines at
 first night prelims

© SATURDAY EXPRESS - Saturday 14th October, 2000 - Page 6
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
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News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

CONDUCTOR Yaira Yonne steered PANch 2000, the Swiss entry at the current World Steelband Music Festival, to a standing ovation on Thursday night, as eight bands (six of which are from T&T) competed to secure places at next week’s semi-final round.

With all but two of PANchs 65 members being non-Trinidadian, whispers and doubts had earlier made the rounds at the Jean Pierre Complex. Some pan prophets went for a blanket statement that no foreign band could upstage local contestants in the land that invented the instrument.

Others suggested that the PANch choice of Franz von Suppe’s Poet and Peasant for its classical selection was foolhardy, as it would lead to easy (and perhaps unfavourable) comparison with superb treatments of the same piece by local bands at festivals past.

But from the opening bars of [ Dichter und Bauer ] Poet and Peasant, it was clear that PANch was not allowing itself to be lumped with the derisive stereotype of foreign steel-bands.

It was 30 minutes past midnight when PANch started its tune of choice, which was followed by the test-piece Dawn of the New Millennium and the calypso, Len Boogsie Sharpe’s Mind Yuh Business. Shortly after 1 a.m., when the band finished, several members of the audience and officials of other participating bands were left with their jaws hanging open.

Demonstrating exemplary control of the orchestra, Yonne had PANch truly under her baton.

Founded just last January, PANch is more of an association than a band, comprising 92 pannists from across Switzerland, who came together to participate in the World Steelband Music Festival.

Led by a team of Swiss arrangers and pan teachers under Martin Grah, the group's first public performance was a last May’s European Steelband Festival in Paris. There, the band topped the tune of choice category with the same Patrick Bernhard/Tamla Batra arrangement of Poet and Peasant that excited the audience on Thursday night. They placed fourth in the calypso section of the Paris playoffs, with a Claudio Pini arrangement of Mind Yuh Business.

Exodus, local reigning joint champions (with the Defence Force Steelband) enjoyed equal acclaim for their renditions, Desmond Waithe conducted Tchaikovsky’s Capricio Italian, while Venezuelan Jesus Acosta took the band through the test-piece. For their calypso, Exodus did André Tanker’s Steelband Times.

Professor Jeannine Remy conducted all three pieces for the BWIA Invaders, whose performance was also among the best received on Thursday night. Apart from the mandatory test-piece, the Woodbrook orchestra did Len Boogsie Sharpe’s arrangement of Kitcheners Toco Band and for its classical selection Anton Dvorak’s Carnival Overture.

Photo: [Not shown here: Yonne, baton in hand, expressively conducts attentive waist-coated players.]
MEMBERS of the PANch 2000 of Switzerland perform their tune of choice, Poets and Peasants by Franz von Suppe, which was conducted by Yaira Yonne at the World Steelband Music Festival 2000 preliminaries, Jean Pierre Complex, Wrightson Road on Thursday night.

 All for the pan

© SATURDAY EXPRESS - Saturday 14th October, 2000 - Page 9
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
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News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

Photo: [Not shown here: Smiling lady 6-bass player, balled pan sticks a-swing.]
A BWIA Invaders bass player expresses her joy during the band’s performance of Kitcheners Toco Band, at the preliminaries of the World Steelband Music Festival 2000 at the Jean Pierre Complex, Wrightson Road, early yesterday morning.

 'Blocko' on Promenade

© SATURDAY EXPRESS - Saturday 14th October, 2000 - Page 6
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
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News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

ALL visiting steel orchestras and several top-drawer local bands will line up from 11 a.m. today on the Brian Lara Promenade for a Steelband Festival Blockorama.

Pan souvenirs and memorabilia will be on sale at the Blockorama, which is scheduled to go until 10 p.m.


© NEWSDAY - Saturday 14th October, 2000 - Page 9
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
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News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

THE PAN MARKET is back as a feature of the World Steelband Music Festival and is scheduled to come off today (Saturday October 14th) on the Brian Lara Promenade from 11 am to 11 pm.

In a last minute attempt to bring back momentum to this programme the Festival management has co-opted the expertise of estranged External Affairs Officer at Pan Trinbago, Junia Regrello to spearhead the project.

The pan market was originally scheduled for Sunday October 15th at the same venue.

In a previous interview with Newsday Peter Baptiste, one of several representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Gender Affairs serving on the Cabinet appointed committee responsible for the programme, said the event had to be scaled down due to a short-fall in sponsorship.

This was confirmed by Chairman of the Festival Patrick Arnold.

He further explained that booths will be set up outside the Jean Pierre Complex, where steelband memorabilia would be marketed and promoted.

Regrello was tight-lipped about releasing information, but would only say the pan market is being returned as a main one-day event.

In addition to the merchandising opportunities expected, the 17 participating bands in the orchestra category of the contest, together with some of this country’s most celebrated bands not contesting the event, are billed to entertain the general public in the all-day programme.

 Steelpan Conference
 next week

© NEWSDAY - Saturday 14th October, 2000 - Page 5
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
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News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

NIHERST [The National Institute for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology], in collaboration with Pan Trinbago and the Ministry of Culture and Gender Affairs, will host the first International Conference on the Science and Technology of the Steelpan - ICSTS, from October 16th - 18th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

The conference coincides with the staging of the World Steelband Music Festival currently taking place at the Jean Pierre Complex Port-of-Spain.

ICSTS has been described as a forum where members of the scientific, engineering and pan-making communities can discuss recent developments in, and techniques of, steelpan research.

Presentations would cover many areas of steelpan dynamics, acoustics, metal treatment, instrument manufacturing and preparation, stick properties, electronic and computer simulations, innovative instruments and non-musical behaviour.

Steelpan makers and tuners in the experimental aspects of the development have been invited to present their innovations for study and discussion as well as have their work recorded and documented.

Workshops will be set up to provide hands-on demonstration of new techniques and openings for exchange of practical solutions to common problems on the instrument.

Scientists technologists, tuners, pan makers and pan enthusiasts from around the world including the United States, Switzerland, France, Japan, Canada, the Caribbean and Trinidad and Tobago are expected to take part.

Local schools with an interest in the steelpan would be sending students and teacher representatives.

Over the three-day period, presentations, discussions and workshops will cover a wide range of topics. Among the presenters are: Dr Anthony Achong, Department of Physics UWI [University of the West Indies]; Dr Derek Gay, Department of Civil Engineering UWI; Dr Thomas D Rossing Department of Physics Northern Illinois University; Felix Rohner, Panart, Bern, Switzerland; and Bertie Marshall of Trinidad and Tobago.

Reference links:
Panart http://www.panart.ch; In News 18th October 2000 - With image of Ping and Pang range of instruments.
About the ICSTS 2000 through Dr Anthony Achong's Steelpan Research website at http://www.steelpanresearch.com
Links - eEd

   Steelband Music Festival
The John Schmidt Reports
News 15th OCTOBER 2000
Pan still struggles
Swiss band shines at first night prelims
All for the pan
'Blocko' on Promenade
International Steelpan conference next week
News JULY 2000
[ 1998 Ref to WSMF 2000 ]

The Steelbands (Pan) of Trinidad & Tobago   

  © 2000: tobagojo@trinidad.net - 20001101
Last Update: 05 November 2000 00:00:00
Processed by: Jeremy G de Barry
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